Bot de spam para enviar en Discord - One Dash Discord

¡Deja de hacerlo todo a mano! Ahorre tiempo y dinero.

Software de automatización Discord. Spammer para envío de mensajes, promoción y promoción del servidor Discord, bot de invitaciones, analizador, autoresponder y generador de cuentas.

Obtenga un 13% de descuento
Funciona en Windows y Mac OS
Características de One Dash
Alto rendimiento
Alto rendimiento
El programa implementa rápidamente cualquier tarea para trabajar en Discord
Ajuste flexible
Ajuste flexible
El software se adaptará a ti
Documentación completa
Documentación completa
Justo en la aplicación hay una guía de todos los matices cuando se trabaja con Discord.
Buenas actualizaciones
Buenas actualizaciones
Las nuevas funciones se actualizan regularmente y se introducen en la aplicación para un trabajo más cómodo.
¿Para quién es One Dash?
Propietarios de sus propios servidores.

Propietarios de sus propios servidores.

Propietarios de sus propios servidores.

Especialistas en SMM

Agencias de publicidad

Agencias de publicidad

Especialistas en Arbitraje de Tráfico

Especialistas en Arbitraje de Tráfico

Propietarios de proyectos de Internet.

Propietarios de proyectos de Internet.

Negocios de todos los tamaños

Negocios de todos los tamaños

¿Qué puede hacer One Dash?

Para encontrar el público adecuado, puede utilizar nuestro analizador de usuario de alta velocidad:
: recopilar todos los usuarios de cualquier servidor lleva HASTA 1 MINUTO
- modo multiproceso: análisis de varios servidores al mismo tiempo
- hay todo tipo de filtros disponibles: estado del usuario (en línea, fuera de lugar, no molestar, fuera de línea), actividad del usuario, participante del chat de voz, dispositivo del usuario (Web, móvil, escritorio), Filtro de servidor compartido, verificación de ciertos roles, verificación de avatares predeterminados, fecha de conexión al servidor, fecha de registro del usuario
- creado después del análisis lista de usuarios que se pueden editar, fusionar, aleatorizar exportación, exportación

Al crear una lista de usuarios, puede enviar mensajes:
- el modo multiproceso está disponible, la velocidad es de más de 300 mensajes por minuto
-envío de hasta 10 archivos (con función de spoiler)
- cambio automático de cuenta: usted especifica el número requerido de mensajes y el software los envía desde estas cuentas, cambiándolos uno por uno
- contestador automático: cuando recibe mensajes de usuarios, el software envía un mensaje con un tiempo de espera específico. También puede personalizar los scripts para sus respuestas.
- agregar usuarios a amigos - antes de enviar mensajes, el programa envía una solicitud a amigos
- lista negra: después de enviar el mensaje con éxito, el usuario se agregará a la aplicación de lista negra que se puede editar
- el texto del mensaje se puede cambiar pit durante el envío de correo, hay soporte para la aleatorización
De alta velocidad servidor de spam con la función de verificar cuentas, eliminar mensajes enviados y mencionar masivamente a los usuarios.
Detener, pausar, ver registros, ver historial de textos y muchos otros que puede usar, utilizando el boletín informativo.

Para llenar su servidor Discord con participantes y revitalizarlo, puede usar un invitado confiable:
-el invitado trabaja en multiproceso, velocidad - más de 12 cuentas por segundo
- 2 modos de funcionamiento: entrada/salida de servidores
-se permiten hasta 100 servidores para una cuenta

Cuentas para el trabajo
Para realizar las acciones anteriores, necesita al menos 1 cuenta de Discord.
El programa también proporciona un almacenamiento conveniente para las cuentas:
-agregar cuentas no lleva mucho tiempo, debe especificar un correo electrónico y una contraseña, si está disponible, un token. Puede agregar hasta1000 cuentas
-para obtener la máxima velocidad, el software usa tokens, que recibe automáticamente
-reanudar sesión: el software inicia sesión en su cuenta de Discord usando sus datos
-administración masiva de cuentas: cambio de nombres de usuario y avatares (selección de imágenes aleatorias/nombres de usuario de los especificados, velocidad - más de 10 cuentas por segundo)
-todas las cuentas se pueden exportar en un formato conveniente

Creador de cuentas
Si está cansado de crear cuentas manualmente/comprarlas, le recomendamos encarecidamente utilizar nuestro registrador rápido:
- el registrador puede trabajar en más de 50 transmisiones sin ninguna carga en la PC
- verificación de teléfono y correo electrónico - solución captcha ocurre a través de rucaptcha, 2captcha, anti-captcha, cap monster, xevil,, deathbycaptcha,
- Calcetines/Http proxies (recibir proxies gratis)
- guardar tokens
- invitar a servidores
restricción de cuenta
- función de descarga de avatar: uno de los archivos especificados se selecciona al azar y se instala en
egistriruemy cuenta - proporcionada por la conveniencia de correo electrónico y la generación aleatoria
yuzerneym*el registrador se vende por separado, detalles de contacto.

- hay un tema oscuro en las aplicaciones para un trabajo más cómodo
-soporte para http/socks proxy
-el software tiene la versión en español

Obtenga un 13% de descuento

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Software de Discordia:
Main Tool
Main Tool
Account Generator
Account Generator
Suscribirse a: 21.11
19.9 usd por mes
Total 41 usd/dia
OneDash Pay

Robokassa, Tinkoff, Crypto

Account generator: 39.9 Usd (licencia para siempre)
Total: 19.9 Usd

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¿Tiene preguntas?
Encuentra respuestas en F.A.Q:

¿Puedo usar el programa en una máquina virtual/VPS?

¿Qué necesito para trabajar con software?
Al menos una cuenta de Discord en funcionamiento

¿Puedo usar software para engañar a los participantes en el servidor?
Sí, puedes usar nuestro invitador.

¿Qué números se utilizan para registrar cuentas?
Números de Letonia, Rusia, Kazajstán, Ucrania, Finlandia, Lituania, Estonia, Rumania, Polonia, Kirguistán y Suecia.

¿Puedo usar solo el correo electrónico y la contraseña de la cuenta?
Sí, el software en sí recibirá un token

¿Cuánto carga el programa en la PC? ¿Puedo usar una computadora en paralelo?
El programa no le da mucha carga a la PC, por lo que puede hacer sus propios negocios de manera segura mientras se ejecuta el software

¿El software supera los tiempos de espera cuando la cuenta está bloqueada temporalmente?
Sí, puede especificar un tiempo de espera de 30 segundos a 15 minutos

¿Se admite la aleatorización de texto?
Sí: "{hello|hi}" - con este mensaje de texto, "hello" o "hi" se enviarán al azar.

Al enviar spam a los usuarios, ¿el programa invita a las cuentas al servidor necesario?
Sí, al iniciar cualquier boletín, el programa invitará a todas las cuentas a los servidores necesarios

¿Qué se entiende por una lista negra?
Lista de usuarios a omitir cuando se envía spam

O obtenga una consulta gratuita:

¿Cuáles son los límites en Discord?
Limitaciones para 1 cuenta de Discord (novoreg):
Boletín sin enlace/con enlace - 10-20 mensajes
Número máximo de llamadas al servidor: 100 servidores
La pausa óptima para el envío de correos es de 3 a 7 segundos.
Para 2 cuentas, recomendamos usar 1 proxy para envío/análisis/invitación y otros
También puede comprarnos cuentas prefabricadas por $0.07

Spam sending messages in Discord — OneDash

Discord mailing list is one of the most effective tools used by modern marketers to promote products and services, attract traffic to the site and other similar purposes. However, the efficiency will be much more higher if you minimize costs and put the process on stream.

How do I send messages in Discord? The best option is the spam bot Discord. It allows you to automate routine processes and free up the time of marketers or administrators for other tasks. The program for spam in Discord reduces the cost of attracting one user. As a result, for the implementation of marketing activities, you need minimal funds that pay off very quickly.

You don't need to think on your own about how to make a spam bot in Discord. For these purposes, you can use existing software that has proven its effectiveness. One of them is One Dash. This utility allows you to to approach the matter comprehensively and solve most of the tasks facing the organizers without using others services.

Promotion of the Discord server - OneDash Discord

To quickly increase the audience of the community, a specialized service bot is used to promote discord servers. This is software that, with minimal participation of admins, allows you to increase the number of active participants. Discord promotion is a powerful marketing tool. After reaching a sufficient number of users The community can be used to disseminate information about trademarks, new brands, and manufactured products. It can also be used as a platform for placing advertisements and receiving funds from advertisers.

Who might need it?

  1. People who are engaged in advertising on social networks. The messenger is especially popular with gamers, which makes it possible to accurately position products and marketing offers. As a result, they will bring great returns, which helps attract new advertisers and increase profits.
  2. Arbitrageurs. Server promotion will allow you to create a new source of high-quality traffic that can redirect to affiliate programs or your own projects. At the same time, the costs of implementation will be minimal, which it is a huge plus.
  3. Businessmen, regardless of the field of activity. The promotion of Discord only at first glance does not give advantages business owners (online and offline). In fact, the communities of this messenger are an effective a marketing tool for promoting specific products or brands. The plus is that on this platform can accurately segment the target audience and adapt marketing offers to its needs. needs. This, in turn, will increase the conversion of visitors into buyers.

In addition, the messenger community, which is actively used both for gaming and business purposes, allows use them as a method of attracting visitors to targeted landing pages or corporate websites. This method increasing traffic requires less costs than traditional SEO promotion for highly competitive queries.

Cheat Discord server - OneDash Discord

Manual promotion requires considerable effort and takes a lot of time. For commercial purposes, this option is not it is suitable, since it will take a long time from the moment the channel is created to the moment when it can make a profit. The way out of this situation is a bot for cheating people into Discord. This is an innovative application with minimal financial costs and will allow you to attract new visitors quickly enough.

Consider the most important advantages of One Dash:

1. Informing the audience takes a minimum of time.

There is no need to manually perform various actions aimed at attracting people. The service performs all functions automatically. And thanks to the high performance, it takes a minimum of time. The application is free work on your computer, since it does not need a powerful processor and high-performance network connection.

2. The subscribers' cheat in the discord server is flexibly configured taking into account specific tasks.

An administrator who uses a bot to cheat users can set their own targeting parameters. Therefore, it is possible to attract only the audience that meets certain criteria. Chapter The software has many settings that simplify the setup procedure.

3. To use the software, you do not need to undergo special training.

Even a novice arbitrageur is able to work with the program at an elementary and advanced level. A detailed package of technical documentation is supplied with the software. With its help, even a person who can master the service can I have not used automation tools to attract an audience before.

The bot, which is used to cheat participants in Discord, is constantly being refined. The current version works stable and allows you to effectively perform the necessary tasks. As the program is updated , there are additional features that simplify the work and significantly speed up the promotion process.

Invite bot Discord - invite OneDash

For fast and efficient operation of the software, it is necessary to send invitations to participants to join a specific the channel. For this purpose, the invite bot Discord tool is used. This is a feature that invites people to the target community. Notifications are sent to the owners of existing accounts, taking into account the settings set. Thanks to this is why most of the "Invite requests" sent out lead to a positive result, that is, the appearance of a new one an active user.

Unlike other utilities that perform the same tasks, invite bot Discord has the following features:

  • In just a second, One Dash can send out invitations to dozens of recipients. Due to the mass character and multithreading, the efficiency of the software increases significantly.
  • The program is able to work simultaneously in two modes: connection and output. Thanks to this application performance increases. There is no need to run multiple separate utilities to solve typical tasks.
  • With one running account, you can join 100 servers at once.

The use of the Discord invite to invite new people gives the administrator the following advantages:

  1. The number of attracted users is increasing. Due to the automation of the process, it is possible in minimal time increase the audience without the risk of getting banned for violating the established rules of the messenger.
  2. Manual intervention in the process is excluded. After setting up the inviter and launching it, the admin can perform other tasks in parallel.
  3. The cost of sending invitations is reduced. You only need to purchase access to the software, after which you will no longer you will need to pay for the services of third-party specialists.

The best Discord parser is OneDash Discord

In order to collect the contact database for further processing, the Discord parser is used. With its help , you can collect ids of all participants from a certain channel for a minimum amount of time. As a result of using The discord of the parser will give you a list of logins or IDs that can be filtered by one of the criteria:

  • Whether the person is online or currently inactive;
  • The type of device on which the messenger is running (on a PC, a web version or an application on a smartphone);
  • When the account was registered in the system;
  • When a person with the specified username joined the server that is currently being parsed;
  • Exclusion of users who belong to certain communities;

And much more.

An additional advantage of using the utility for parsing accounts is that as a result you will be able to an editable list of addresses. It can be uploaded to a spam bot or other programs.

In addition, the resulting list can be:

  • Add to an existing database to form a new, broader list;
  • Combine with the results of parsing other servers to form a single database;
  • Export to other services for use in order to increase the audience of the channel.

The operation of the Discord parser allows you to collect a database of contacts (IDs) for which without additional costs and efforts then messages are sent out. Thanks to the possibilities of sorting and filtering lists, combining and exporting databases of course, this process becomes as convenient, economical and efficient as possible.

Discord Answering Machine — OneDash Discord

After the actions performed on spam, users often respond to your messages. And it is very important that there is instant feedback (feedback). If a person receives an answer to his request, then he is more likely to will join the channel or perform a targeted action (registration \ purchase). Thus the conversion rate increases, which allows you to expand the audience faster and at a lower cost. To send automatic responses to One Dash, there is an additional module – the Discord answering machine.

The mechanics are as follows:

  1. An advertising text is sent with an invitation to the server or a call to target action.
  2. The recipient responds to the message with a clarifying question.
  3. The Discord autoresponder sends an automatic response.

The advantage over other answering machines and similar services is that the utility does not send a typical the answer is personalized, taking into account the customized scenario. The administrator can flexibly customize the response options depending on the recipient's request. As a result, a potential participant gets the impression that he is talking to a lively conversationalist. This motivates you to join the community.

Advantages of using an answering machine:

  • The complexity of the work is reduced, since you do not need to manually respond to requests;
  • The response time to the recipient's request is reduced, which increases the conversion rate;
  • The process of filling and promotion of your channel is accelerated.

Discord — OneDash account autoreg Generator

The software can only work if it is connected to a working messenger account. However, due to the specifics sooner or later, the security algorithms identify the account from which the mass mailing is made. messages, and ban him. Therefore, in order to use a spammer, it is necessary to constantly register new accounts.

For this purpose, the Discord account generator is used, which is sold separately from the mailing service. It liberates administrator from having to manually register. But at the same time it allows you to register a virtual a user who will not be banned due to non-compliance with the messenger's security rules.

The Discord account registrar has the following advantages:

  • Generates login, password, date of birth and other parameters.
  • Activates the account via email addresses.
  • Automatically passes phone number verification (SMS activation).
  • Supports any existing proxy types.
  • Loads the avatar from the specified file;

The advantage of this utility is working at high speed in multithreaded mode. Running the program does not lead to a large computer load. In addition, the software saves tokens, which makes it possible to connect registered accounts via the API interface.

Discord Spammer — OneDash Discord

One Dash is the best discord spammer, as it allows you to automate all the operations necessary to increase the number of participants on the server and sending messages to other people.

The Discord spammer has the following features:

  1. High speed operation. Thanks to multithreading support, the utility is able to send from 300 messages per wait a minute. In parallel, the channel administrator can perform other tasks.
  2. The ability to attach files containing advertising materials to attract the attention of users to your advertising offer.
  3. Changing accounts to prevent a ban. Periodic change of the account from which the mailing is made, allows you to minimize blocking due to violation of the rules of the messenger. In addition, if you received a ban, the account will be changed and the sending of messages will continue.
  4. Automatic addition to friends. The Discord spammer bot sends invitations to a specific database with support for the blacklist so that there are no repeat shipments.
  5. Protocol maintenance. The software automatically generates a log for viewing executable actions in order to detect and bug fixes, process optimization.
One Dash Telegram - software for spam, inviting and promotion in Telegram `; setTimeout(function () { $('body').append(htmlMetrics); }, 0);